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Stadt Bad Segeberg
Lübecker Straße 9
23795 Bad Segeberg
T 04551 964-0
F 04551 964-111
E-Mail schreiben
Öffnungszeiten RATHAUS

Mo - Fr    08:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Do           14:00 - 17:00 Uhr

Öffnungszeiten STANDESAMT

ErlebnisWald Trappenkamp

To experience the forest with all your senses – that is the motto of the Erlebniswald Trappenkamp.

fun for kids

An imp forest, a butterfly garden, outdoor enclosures for the wild animals, nature trails as well as a huge wooden playground will make your visit a special one. On an area of 200 hectares this forest experience will stimulate your senses and your imagination.

For further information, please click here!